Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Lincoln Docs and John Brown

Yesterday we discussed the impact of the Dred Scott Decision.

Today, we'll begin by going over Lincoln's House Divided Speech and the Lincoln/Douglas Debates.

We'll then watch The Meteor from Ken Burns The Civil War using the notetaking guide as we watch

We'll use these questions to guide our discussion of John Brown's actions.

1.  What five words would you use to describe John Brown and then explain why you would use these words?

2.  In 1511, Niccolo Machiavelli wrote a book for leaders called The Prince.  In this book he argued that “the ends justify the means.”  What did he mean by this?  What would John Brown say about this idea?  What would Thoreau (think about Civil Disobedience)?  What would you?

3. In what ways might John Brown be considered the “spark” that ignited the Civil War?

4. Is John Brown a martyr or a madman?  A terrorist or a freedom fighter?

5. Should there be a monument at Harpers Ferry and other places that celebrate the efforts of John Brown? How should history remember John Brown?

6.  If a raid similar to John Brown’s happened today, how do you think the government and society as a whole would view him?

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